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Pirastro upright bass strings

Welcome to our Pirastro sales page. On this page we offer Pirastro Obligatos, Evah Pirazzi strings in medium, weich (light) and solo gauge.  Flexocor mediums, the Original Flexocor, Original Flatchromes, Permanents, Flat Chromesteel, Olive guts, Chromcor, Passione, Flexocor Deluxe bass strings as well as the new Perpetuals.

We also have a good selection of Pirastro's solo bass strings: Obligato, Evah Pirazzi, Flexocor, Passiones, Original Flatchrome as well as the solo Permanents. Now offering the new Flexocor Deluxe Solo strings.

What?! Why not 'free' shipping??  This is true, we have local customers that don't need shipping and we have customers all over the planet that have to pay a little more than people that live here in the USA.  Still, when you compare and shop, you will still save about $25-30 per set, or more.  So yes, you  pay shipping, but still will save considerably.  The average cost of shipping bass sets, around $8.

What are bass solo strings? Why do you need them and why are they usually tuned up a whole major 2nd (G up to A) etc... See our Solo Upright Bass Strings page for more information.

Choosing bass strings can be confusing even for the most experienced professionals.  There have been so  many new strings lately, it's hard to keep up.  A great page here is the 'choosing upright bass strings' page.  We list most all brands there and do so by which genre and style of music to be played and try (our best) to compare them together.  Hopefully, you will get a better understanding and will be better prepared to make more of an educated choice.

Again, we carry just about every Pirastro bass string on this page.  If there is anything that you are looking for but cannot find here, just let us know. Maybe it is made by another manufacturer or special order. 

Perpetua Doublel Bass Strings
Perpetual Bass
Our Price
PER-100 Pirastro's Perpetual Bass strings set. Chromesteel/rope core E,A,D and G


PER-101 Perpetual set with C extension


PER-102 Perpetual G string


PER-102S Perpetual G Stark (heavy)
Sorry, these cost more!


PER-103 Perpetual D string


PER-103S Perpetual D Stark (heavy)


PER-104 Perpetual A string


PER-105 Perpetual E string


PER-106 Perpetual E string/C extension


PER-107 Perpetual low (5th) B string


Perpetua Doublel Bass Strings Perpetual Bass SOLO Our Price
PER-108 Perpetual Bass Solo gauge set (F#BEA)


PER-109 Perpetual Solo A string (this is the top "G" string, but it is tuned to an "A"


PER-110 Perpetual Solo E (D string)


PER-111 Perpetual Solo B (A string)


PER-112 Perpetual Solo F# (E string)


Evah Pirazzi Slap Evah Pirazzi Slaps Our Price
PEL-100 Evah Pirazzi Slap Set: Synthetic E &A with pure gut D & G



PEL-101 Evah Pirazzi Slap Set: Synthetic E &A, Synthetic D and Pure gut G string




PEL-102 Evah Pirazzi Slap Set: ALL synthetic set (no gut strings)     


PEL-103 Evah Pirazzi Slap G string, synthetic


PEL-104 Evah Pirazzi Slap G string, pure gut


PEL-105 Evah Pirazzi Slap D string, pure gut


PEL-106 Evah Pirazzi Slap D string, synthetic


PEL-107 Evah Pirazzi Slap A string, synthetic core


PEL-108 Evah Pirazzi Slap E string, synthetic core



Pirastro Flexocor Deluxe Orchestra gauge upright bass strings

Our Price
PX-100 Pirastro Flexocor Deluxe Solo set (EADG)


PX-101 Pirastro Flexocor Deluxe G string


PX-102 Pirastro Flexocor Deluxe D string


PX-103 Pirastro Flexocor Deluxe A string


PX-104 Pirastro Flexocor Deluxe E string


PX-105 Pirastro Flexocor Deluxe E string (for C extension)


PX-106 Pirastro Flexocor Deluxe B, (low 5th string)



Pirastro Flexocor Deluxe SOLO gauge upright bass strings

Our Price


Pirastro Flexocor Deluxe Solo set (F#BEA)


PXS-101 Pirastro Flexocor Deluxe Solo 'G' (sounds A)


PXS-102 Pirastro Flexocor Deluxe Solo 'D' (sounds E)


PXS-103 Pirastro Flexocor Deluxe Solo 'A' (sounds B)


PXS-104 Pirastro Flexocor Deluxe Solo 'E' (sounds



Pirastro Obligato
upright bass strings
Our Price
PO-100 Pirastro Obligato full bass set (EADG)
PO-101 Pirastro Obligato medium G string
PO-102 Pirastro Obligato medium D string
PO-103 Pirastro Obligato medium A string
PO-104 Pirastro Obligato medium E string
PO-105 Pirastro Obligato medium long E string (for C extension)
PO-106 Pirastro Obligato medium B (low 5th string)
Pirastro Obligato (Solo)
upright bass strings
Our Price
POS-100 Pirastro Obligato full bass set (EADG, actually sounds F#BEA)
POS-101 Pirastro Obligato medium G string (sounds A)
POS-102 Pirastro Obligato medium D string (sounds E)
POS-103 Pirastro Obligato medium A string (sounds B)
POS-104 Pirastro Obligato medium E string (sounds F#)
Evah-Pirazzi-upright-bass-strings Pirastro Evah Pirazzi Weich
(light gauge) upright bass strings
Our Price
PWE-100 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi weich full bass set (EADG)
PWE-100B Pirastro Evah Pirazzi weich, set including a low C extension E sring.
PWE-101 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi weich G string
PWE-102 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi weich D string
PWE-103 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi weich A string
PWE-104 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi weich E string
PWE-105 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi weich long E string (for C extension)
PWE-105 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi weich B string (low 5th string.)
Evah-Pirazzi-upright-bass-strings Pirastro Evah Pirazzi
upright bass strings, medium gauge
Our Price
PE-100 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi full bass set (EADG)
PE-100B Pirastro set including a low C extension E string.
PE-101 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi medium G string
PE-102 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi medium D string
PE-103 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi medium A string
PE-104 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi medium E string
PE-105 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi medium long E string (for C extension)
PE-105 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi B string (low 5th string.)
Evah-Pirazzi-upright-bass-strings Pirastro Evah Pirazzi (Solo)
upright bass strings
Our Price
PES-100 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi solo full bass set EADG (actually sounds, F#BEA)
PES-101 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi solo medium G string (sounds A)
PES-102 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi solo medium D string (sounds E)
PES-103 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi solo medium A string (sounds B)
PES-104 Pirastro Evah Pirazzi solo medium E string (sounds F#)

Pirastro Jazzer upright bass strings

Our Price

PJ-100 Pirastro Jazzer full bass set (EADG)
PJ-101 Pirastro Jazzer G string
PJ-102 Pirastro Jazzer D string
PJ-103 Pirastro Jazzer A string
PJ-104 Pirastro Jazzer E string
PJ-104 Pirastro Jazzer long E string (for C extension)
Pirastro Passione (medium gauge)
upright bass strings

Our Price

PS-100 Pirastro Passione, medium gauge, full bass set (EADG)  (Medium gauge is most popular)
PS-101 Pirastro Passione medium G string
PS-102 Pirastro Passione medium D string
PS-103 Pirastro Passione medium A string
PS-104 Pirastro Passione medium E string
PS-105 Pirastro Passione medium long E string (for C extension)
PS-106 Pirastro Passione medium low B string (5th string)
New, Pirastro Passione 'Stark' (stiff gauge) upright bass strings Our Price
PS-107 Pirastro Passione, Stark gauge, full bass set (EADG)
PS-108 Pirastro Passione Stark gauge, G string
PS-109 Pirastro Passione Stark gauge, D string
PS-110 Pirastro Passione Stark gauge, A string
PS-111 Pirastro Passione Stark gauge, E string
PS-112 Pirastro Passione Stark gauge, "long" E string (for C extension)
PS-113 Pirastro Passisone B string (5th string) in Stark
Pirastro Passione SOLO strings Our Price
PS-114 Pirastro Passione Solos, Full Set, EADG (sounding F#BEA)
PS-115 Pirastro Passione Solo G String (sounds A)
PS-116 Pirastro Passione Solo D String (sounds E)
PS-117 Pirastro Passione Solo A String, (sounds B)
PS-118 Pirastro Passione Solo E String, (sounds F#)
Pirastro-Flexocor-Upright-bass-strings Pirastro Original Flexocor
upright bass strings
Our Price
POF-100 Pirastro Original Flexocor full bass set (EADG)
POF-101 Pirastro Original Flexocor medium G string
POF-102 Pirastro Original Flexocor medium D string
POF-103 Pirastro Original Flexocor medium A string
POF-104 Pirastro Original Flexocor medium E string
POF-105 Pirastro Original Flexocor medium long E string (for C extension)
POF-105 Pirastro Original Flexocor medium B (low 5th string)
Pirastro Flexocor (Solo) upright bass strings Our Price
PFS-100 Pirastro Flexocor solo full bass set (EADG)
PFS-101 Pirastro Flexocor solo medium G string
PFS-102 Pirastro Flexocor solo medium D string
PFS-103 Pirastro Flexocor solo medium A string
PFS-104 Pirastro Flexocor solo medium E string
Pirastro Flexocor (Medium Gauge)
upright bass strings
Our Price
PF-100 Pirastro Flexocor full bass set (EADG)
PF-101 Pirastro Flexocor medium G string
PF-102 Pirastro Flexocor medium D string
PF-103 Pirastro Flexocor medium A string
PF-104 Pirastro Flexocor medium E string
PF-105 Pirastro Flexocor med. long E string (for C extension)
PF-106 Pirastro Flexocor medium B (low 5th string)

Pirastro Flexocor (Light Gauge)
upright bass strings

Our Price

PFL-100 Pirastro Flexocor, light, full bass set (EADG)
PFL-101 Pirastro Flexocor light gauge G string
PFL-102 Pirastro Flexocor light gauge D string
PFL-103 Pirastro Flexocor light gauge A string
PFL-104 Pirastro Flexocor light gauge E string
PFL-105 Pirastro Flexocor light gauge, long E (for E ext.)
PFL-106 Pirastro Flexocor light gauge B, (low 5th string)

Pirastro Flexocor (Heavy Gauge)
upright bass strings

Our Price

PFH-100 Pirastro Flexocor, heavy full bass set (EADG)
PFH-101 Pirastro Flexocor, heavy gauge G string
PFH-102 Pirastro Flexocor, heavy gauge D string
PFH-103 Pirastro Flexocor, heavy gauge A string
PFH-104 Pirastro Flexocor, heavy gauge E string
PFH-105 Pirastro Flexocor, heavy gauge long E (for E ext.)
PFH-106 Pirastro Flexocor, heavy gauge B (low 5th string)
Original Flat-chrome
upright bass strings
Our Price
PFC-100 Original Flat-chrome full bass set (EADG)
PFC-101 Original Flat-chrome G string
PFC-102 Original Flat-chrome D string
PFC-103 Original Flat-chrome A string
PFC-104 Original Flat-chrome E string
PFC-105 Original Flat-chrome medium long E string (for C extension)
PFC-105 Original Flat-chrome B (low 5th string)
Original Flat-chrome (Solo)
upright bass strings
Our Price
PFCS-100 Original Flat-chrome solo full bass set EADG (actually sounds, F#BEA)
PFCS-101 Original Flat-chrome solo G string (sounds A)
PFCS-102 Original Flat-chrome solo D string (sounds E)
PFCS-103 Original Flat-chrome solo A string (sounds B)
PFCS-104 Original Flat-chrome solo E string (sounds F#)
Piastro-Permanent-upright-bass-strings Pirastro Permanent
upright bass strings
Our Price
PP-100 Pirastro Permanent full bass set (EADG)
PP-100X Pirastro Permenent set, with C extension
PP-101 Pirastro Permanent medium G string
PP-102 Pirastro Permanent medium D string
PP-103 Pirastro Permanent medium A string
PP-104 Pirastro Permanent medium E string
PP-105 Pirastro Permanent medium long E string (for C ext.)
PP-106 Pirastro Permanent medium B (low 5th string)
Piastro-Permanent-upright-bass-strings Pirastro Permanent (Solo)
upright bass strings
Our Price
PPS-100 Pirastro Permanent solo full bass set EADG (actually sounds, F#BEA)
PPS-101 Pirastro Permanent solo medium G string, sounds A
PPS-102 Pirastro Permanent solo medium D string, sounds E
PPS-103 Pirastro Permanent solo medium A string, sounds B
PPS-104 Pirastro Permanent solo medium E string, sounds F#
Flexocor-Chromesteel-upright-bass-strings Pirastro Flexocor Chromesteel
bass strings
Our Price
FC-100 Pirastro Flat Chromesteel full bass set (EADG)
FC-101 Pirastro Flat Chromesteel G string
FC-102 Pirastro Flat Chromesteel D string
FC-103 Pirastro Flat Chromesteel A string
FC-104 Pirastro Flat Chromesteel E string
FC-105 Pirastro Flat Chromesteel long E string (for C ext.)
FC-106 Pirastro Flat Chromesteel B string (low 5th string)

Pirastro Flexocor Chromesteel Solo
bass strings

Our Price

FCS-100 Pirastro Flat Chromesteel full bass set, (pitches sound A,E,B F#)
FCS-101 Pirastro Flat Chromesteel G string (sounds A)
FCS-102 Pirastro Flat Chromesteel D string (sounds E)
FCS-103 Pirastro Flat Chromesteel A string (sounds B)
FCS-104 Pirastro Flat Chromesteel E string (sounds F#)
Pirastro Oliv Gut Strings Pirastro Oliv Gut bass strings
(a gut core, with silver wrapping)
Our Price
POG-100 Pirastro Oliv full bass set (EADG)
POG-101 Pirastro Oliv Gut G String, flat silver wrapping around gut core
POG-102 Pirastro Oliv Gut D String, flat silver wrapping around gut core
POG-103 Pirastro Oliv Gut A String, flat silver wrapping around gut core
POG-104 Pirastro Oliv Gut E String, flat silver wrapping around gut core
  See our Oliv double bass strings page here.  
Pirastro Chromcor Bass Strings Pirastro Chromcor bass strings
(chromesteel core with steel wrapping)
  Our Price
PCC-100 Pirastro Chromcor bass strings full bass set (EADG)
PCC-101 Pirastro Chromcor G String
PCC-102 Pirastro Chromcor D String

PCC-103 Pirastro Chromcor A String
PCC-104 Pirastro Chromcor E String
PCC-105 Pirastro Chromcor B (low 5th string)